美国的健康.S. paper and wood products industry depends on strong export markets.
纸 and wood products exports account for about 10% of the industry’s annual total sales. And our exports support an estimated 91,000 direct jobs.
We need to move raw and recycled materials across borders to manufacture our products. This helps maintain a level playing field for our industry.
十大菠菜软件 supports free and fair trade policies and practices. We are also a strong supporter of efforts to reduce illegal logging around the world.
We look forward to working with the Administration, Congress and other policymakers to continue to advance and grow our industry.
美国.S. 邮政 Service (USPS) is a vital service relied upon by many across the country. The mail system delivers approximately 39%, or nearly $6.价值50亿美元 基于纸张的沟通 在美国生产.S. 2020年,美国邮政也交付了7件.3 billion of packages that contain paper-based packaging materials.
美国SPS implemented cost-cutting measures to help make it financially viable. But without help from policymakers, it might not stay a competitive choice for mail delivery.
十大菠菜软件 supports reform measures that allow the USPS to continue serving its mission. We support policies that allow the USPS to meet the service needs of customers, and postal rates that are predictable and affordable to mailers.
We look forward to working with policymakers to maintain this essential service.
Having a low corporate tax rate helps the industry invest back into U.S. manufacturing and its global supply chain.
In 2020, we spent $13 billion on new plants, equipment and facility upgrades.
We support policies that bring us in line with global norms and help make our industry more competitive. This allows us to invest at home to continue growing our industry and create manufacturing jobs.
超过75%的美国人.S. pulp and paper mills are in counties designated by the Census Bureau as more than 80% rural. The timely and cost-effective movement of products to and from these communities is essential to our industry.
We use our nation’s highways, 铁路 and ports to move our products. Maintaining our infrastructure is crucial to the health of our industry.
十大菠菜软件 encourages necessary infrastructure enhancements. This includes policies that promote efficiency, safety and shippers’ concerns within rail, maritime and highway freight transportation. 这就是为什么十大菠菜软件 supports sensible reforms that would both increase access to competitive freight rail service and modernize the Surface 运输 Board (STB).
具体地说, we support proposals that provide more freight rail options and maximize the efficiency of the existing rail network. These include reinstating the STB’s authority over forest products industry shipments (known as a commodity exemption) and changes to how shippers can choose between competing 铁路 (known as reciprocal switching).
成员 关注的焦点
DS史密斯DS史密斯 provided support in Europe and the U.S. 在冠状病毒大流行期间. 在他们的努力中, 史密斯先生捐赠了24,000 boxes to transport critical items including hospital clothing, 呼吸机, 个人防护装备和洗手液.